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Maninterra Classic Petals (overview)

Maninterra Classic Petals (overview)

flat bottom (top view)

flat bottom (top view)

Ø 24 cm, h. 3,5 cm

flat bottom (detail view)

flat bottom (detail view)

Ø 24 cm, h. 3,5 cm

flat plate (top view)

flat plate (top view)

Ø 26 cm, h. 3 cm

flat plate (detail view)

flat plate (detail view)

Ø 26 cm, h. 3 cm

Fruit plate (top view)

Fruit plate (top view)

Ø 22 cm, h. 2 cm

Fruit plate (detail view)

Fruit plate (detail view)

Ø 22 cm, h. 2 cm

platter square bottom (top view)

platter square bottom (top view)

40 x 29 cm, h. 6 cm

platter square bottom (detail view)

platter square bottom (detail view)

40 x 29 cm, h. 6 cm

platter picture plane (top view)

platter picture plane (top view)

40 x 32 cm, h. 4 cm

platter picture plane (detail view)

platter picture plane (detail view)

40 x 32 cm, h. 4 cm

serving bowl (top view)

serving bowl (top view)

Ø 24,5 cm, h.8,5 cm

serving bowl (detail view)

serving bowl (detail view)

Ø 24,5 cm, h.8,5 cm

round serving platter (top view)

round serving platter (top view)

33 x 29 cm, h. 3 cm

round serving platter (detail view)

round serving platter (detail view)

33 x 29 cm, h. 3 cm

Componi il tuo servizio

Make your service





Petali appartiene alla linea classic.

La sua forma è infatti intramontabile e insieme al decoro che ricorda la corolla di un fiore rende questo servizio elegante, fresco e brioso.

La linea è composta da da piatti piani, fondi, frutta, piatti da portata quadrangolari, tondi, insalatiera e ciotolone.

Estremamente resistente ai frequenti lavaggi in lavastoviglie.

Petals belongs to the classic line.
Its shape is indeed timeless and together with decor reminiscent of the corolla of a flower makes this elegant service, fresh and lively.
The line consists of dinner plates, bottoms, fruit platters rectangular, round, salad bowl and ciotolone.
Extremely resistant to frequent washing in a dishwasher.

piatto fondo

flat bottom

Ø 24 cm, h. 3,5 cm

€. XX,XX

piatto piano

flat plate

Ø 26 cm, h. 3 cm

€. XX,XX

piatto frutta

fruit plate

Ø 22 cm, h. 2 cm

€. XX,XX

piatto tondo da portata
round serving platter

33 x 29 cm, h. 3 cm

€. XX,XX

piatto portata piano quadro

platter picture plane

40 x 32 cm, h. 4 cm

€. XX,XX

piatto portata fondo quadro

platter square bottom

40 x 29 cm, h. 6 cm

€. XX,XX

ciotola portata

serving bowl

Ø 24,5 cm, h.8,5 cm

€. XX,XX

servizio in BLU

BLUE service

servizio in OCRA

OCHER service

Componi il tuo servizio

Compose your service

Scegli tra i pezzi sopra mostrati, la possibile variante cromatica e quantità.


Scrivi la tua richiesta di informazioni, saremo lieti di contattarti.

Choose from the pieces shown above, the possible color variation and number.


Please write your inquiry, we will contact you.

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